The Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion : eISSN 2383-6881 / pISSN 1226-9336
Table. 5.

Distribution of autocontrol results in a total of 1,097 cases by reaction stage

Autocontrol Test number (%) according to the reaction stage
A) LISS/Coombs B) NaCl/Enzyme C) 4℃ A) B) C)
Positive 356 (32.5) 166 (15.1) 58 (5.3) 386 (35.2)*
Negative 741 (67.5) 931 (94.9) 1,039 (94.7) 711 (64.8)**
Total 1,097 (100.0) 1,097 (100.0) 1,097 (100.0) 1,097 (100.0)

*Positive in any one of A), B), or C). **Negative in all A), B), and C).

Korean J Blood Transfus 2023;34:198-210
© 2023 Korean J Blood Transfus